
Church community in times of crises

Since March and the arrival of the corona virus in the Netherlands many aspects of our lives have changed, how and who we spend time with, how we work, pursue education, buy our groceries, celebrate achievements and milestones, even we worship together on a Sunday. Many of us have had to make adjustments to our… Continue reading Church community in times of crises

Dutch life, Reflection

Living around IBC Eindhoven – Geldrop

As ‘the body of Christ’ far away from home, we live in Eindhoven and the greater area. Eindhoven is a booming city at the moment. Eindhoven University of Technology and Fontys University of Applied Sciences are attracting a lot of foreign students. The Brainport region is known for high-tech industries and creating innovations. With the… Continue reading Living around IBC Eindhoven – Geldrop

Bible Study, Reflection

Man of Sorrows, What a Name!

In our region of Eindhoven we can hardly escape the carnival festivities, traditionally marking the beginning of the passion weeks which last till Easter, now 12 April 2020. One of the most important prophesies about the passion (= suffering) of Jesus is the passage we study in this article. It is the last in a… Continue reading Man of Sorrows, What a Name!

Dutch life, Reflection

A Christian family away from home

Isn’t that the slogan of our church? To call Christians in from the corners of the street? Those who live in the Eindhoven region and are far away from their place of birth can join for worship, biblical truth and friendly advice. Sometimes even deep friendships start to grow, but the goodbye part is always… Continue reading A Christian family away from home


Is Jesus Christ on vacation?

My normal life rhythm stops during vacation. This morning I am enjoying a long and lazy breakfast with coffee and freshly baked croissants, and then slowly the time comes to decide what to do today. Church things are on my mind. I’m writing this piece for the newsletter. I received an e-mail about the small… Continue reading Is Jesus Christ on vacation?